
Songs about Natasha

Natasha is the most popular name for women in Russia, it even rhymes with the country's name. I have a lot of friends named Natasha. In fact, my best friend is Natasha or Natalya or Natashka, Natashenka, Natulka and so on, it's all the same name. I dedicate these songs to my best friend.

the 70s

the 80s
Valentina Tolkunova

the 90s
Gregory Leps

Andrey Derzhavin

Natasha Koroleva

Vlad Stashevsky

Igor Nikolaev

Murat Nasirov


the 2000s

Potap, dyadya Vadya and UGO

Julia Savitcheva

Stanislav Sazonov

Alai Oli

Premier Minister


Soviet hits from the 60s

There is a lot of good Russian, better say Soviet as a lot of popular singers that time weren't Russians, music from the 60s. Even young Russians know these songs and love them.

Muslim Magomaev

Gelena Velikanova

Maya Kristallinskaya

Nonna Sukhanova

Valerii Obodzinskii

Ludmila Zykina

Albert Asadulin

Tamara Miansorova

Larisa Mondrus

Vladimir Ivashev

Calmar Tennosaar


The most crying singer in Russia Tatyana Bulanova

Tatyana Bulanova has the title of the most crying Russian singer because her first hits were sad songs like a lullaby of a single mother. She started singing in the beginning of the 90s and she is still one of the most popular singers. she doesn't cry now as much as she used to :).

the first video here is that lullaby


Russian musical Nord-Ost

You might remember the tradegy that happened in Moscow in October 2002 when more than 900 people were taken hostage by Chechen terrorists. It happened at the Russian musicle Nord-Ost. You may be interested in listening to this musical. It is based on a book by Russian writer Kaverin "Two captains".


Hits of the 90s

The 90s were quite eventful for Russia, and in music as well. Here are some of the hits of this decade


Youtube star Petr Nalitch, the 2000s

He is a celebrity now, although he started at the age of 26 just 4 years ago. He made a video with his friends and put it on Youtube. This video created a furor - everybody liked it, people wanted more.
Petr has a great voice, his songs are not usual pop , they are strange, weird and funny. Listen and watch, you will like it.
His first video:

His other songs


Movie soundtrack. ASSA 1987

Assa (Асса) is a Soviet film directed by Sergei Solovyov and released in 1987. It became a cult film,[1] mostly thanks to the fact that it was one of the films that brought Russian rock music from the underground into the mainstream.

1-3. Boris Grebenschikov

4. Yury Chernavsky - "Malchik Bananan"

5. Zhanna Aguzarova

6. Viktor Tsoy


Three genders in Russian music: Neuter

We will just enlist the participants here, as the definition itself of a winner is intricate in this situation

the 2000s
Verka Serduchka

the 90s and 2000s
Sergey Penkin
by the way, he is in the Guinness Worls Records as a singer with a 4 octaves voice

the 2000s
